grown-up toilet
I have tried many attempts to putting our Princess on the potty to poo but to no avail. She will still wait for her diaper to be put-on just before bedtime and does her 'deed'. One day I told her ... "Princess, if you're a good girl, poo in the potty then mommy will buy you a present". I kept reminding her for a few days. And the day finally came ... she told me "Mommy, Aunty Ng (nursery caregiver) said I'm big girl, I must poopoo and weewee in grown-up potty". I quickly brought her to the toilet to do her 'deed'. And there finally she's done it! It so happen that the toy I redeem arrived, so it was given to her as a gift! And from then on she has graduated to a grown-up toilet. I also bought 2 toilet seat covers .. cost us RM70plus. Sheesh and no discount!