Chinese New Year Eve
As usual during our eve of CNY, we'll have lunch at my in-laws and dinner at my parents.
"Every year my mom will cook a nice reunion dinner consist of abalones, sharksfin, mushrooms, duck etc. The food is fit for a village."
"Look at the two little monkeys!"
CNY - Day 1
On CNY Day 1, we visited my in-laws, some friends', my parents and finally my Aunt Stella in Cheras. As usual like every year, we'll all gather at my Aunt's place for a nice dinner.
Cheeky Princess doing a smiling pose
Princess in her Chinese "cheongsam"
Boy in his Chinese costume
Princess's favourite cousin, Cassandra (my eldest sis's daughter)
Princess performing "Baa Baa Black Sheep" in her pajamas at my Aunt Stella's house.